Three six-graders ignored all the trappings of typical teenage life and dedicated themselves fully to making music. Growing up in the small town of Vernon, BC, Canada, Aidan Andrews, Carson Bassett, and Nolan Bassett started out playing in cover bands before shifting to writing their own material. Now 24 years old, in Vancouver, with a full album and EP under their belt, the members of daysormay have no intention of slowing down.
The group has connected with 3-time Grammy and Juno award winning producer Chin Injeti (Dr. Dre, Drake, Eminem, Aloe Blacc, Anderson. Paak) and T-Minus (Lil Wayne, Drake, Kendrick Lamar, The Weeknd) for their next full-length album, MODERATION, set to release in 2024.
MODERATION will be released to the world on The Orchard distributed label, TAG Music. The record will be supported through daysormay's dedicated online following and powerful live show, which has already graced stages at Reeperbahn Festival in Germany, The Great Escape in England, and Bumbershoot in Seattle, to name a few.